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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:19 pm
by admin
"Here! what are you up to?" you call out.
"What are you up to?" he retorts; "leggo, can't you?"
"Don't pull it; you've got it all wrong, you stupid ass!" you shout.
"No, I haven't," he yells back; "let go your side!"
"I tell you you've got it all wrong!" you roar, wishing that you could get at him; and you give your ropes a lug that pulls all his pegs out.

Re: Day42

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:25 pm
by admin
–¡Oye! ¿Qué haces? –gritas.
–¿Qué haces tú? –responde–. ¡Suelta ya de una vez!
–¡No tires! ¡Lo estás haciendo todo al revés, pedazo de animal! –gritas tú.
–¡Nada de eso !–responde a gritos–. ¡Suelta de tu lado!
–¡Te digo que lo estás haciendo mal! –ruges, lamentando no tenerlo al alcance de la mano. Tiras violentamente de tus cuerdas y le arrancas todas las estacas.

Re: Day42

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:50 pm
by admin
"Here (¡Oye)! what are you up to (¿Qué haces; to be up to — hacer /normalmente hacer algo malo/)?" you call out (gritas; to call out — gritar).
"What are you up to (¿Qué haces tú)?" he retorts ( él responde; to retort — replicar; parar /burla/); "leggo, can't you (¡suelta ya de una vez!; leggo = let go)?"
"Don't pull it (¡No tires); you've got it all wrong, you stupid ass (¡Lo estás haciendo todo al revés/confundiste, pedazo de animal; to get wrong — entender mal; hacer algo mal)!" you shout (gritas tú).
"No, I haven't (no/¡nada de eso/)," he yells back (responde a gritos; to yell — gritar, gemido); "let go your side (¡suelta de tu lado)!"
"I tell you you've got it all wrong (¡Te digo que lo estás haciendo mal)!" you roar, wishing that you could get at him (ruges, deseando poder alcanzarlo; to roar — rugir, gritar; a gruñir); and you give your ropes a lug that pulls all his pegs out ( y tirando de las cuerdas con tanta fuerza que arranca todas sus clavijas = todas las clavijas de su lado; to lug — arrastrar, tirar; tirón).

Re: Day42

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:59 pm
by admin
the website helps you to get right meaning
"Here (эй)! what are you up to (что ты делаешь; to be up to — делать /обычно что-либо плохое/)?" you call out (кричите вы; to call out — выкрикивать, кричать).
"What are you up to (а что ты делаешь)?" he retorts (отвечает он; to retort — резко возражать; отпарировать /колкость/); "leggo, can't you (пусти же; leggo = let go)?"
"Don't pull it (не тяни); you've got it all wrong, you stupid ass (ты все своротил/запутал, глупый осел; to get wrong — неправильно понимать; неправильно делать)!" you shout (кричите вы).
"No, I haven't (нет /ничего я не своротил/)," he yells back (он орет в ответ; to yell — вопить, кричать); "let go your side (отпусти свою сторону)!"
"I tell you you've got it all wrong (говорю тебе, ты все испортил)!" you roar, wishing that you could get at him (ревете вы, желая, чтобы вы могли добраться до него = жалея, что до него не добраться; to roar — реветь, орать; рычать); and you give your ropes a lug that pulls all his pegs out (и так дергаете за свои веревки, что это вырывает все его колышки = все колышки с его стороны; to lug — волочить, тянуть; сильно дергать).

Re: Day42

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:41 pm
by Phi
"Here (¡Oye)! what are you up to (¿Qué haces; to be up to — hacer /normalmente hacer algo malo/)?" you call out (gritas; to call out — gritar).
"What are you up to (¿Qué haces tú)?" he retorts ( él responde; to retort — replicar; parar /burla/); "leggo, can't you (¡suelta ya de una vez!; leggo = let go)?"
"Don't pull it (¡No tires); you've got it all wrong, you stupid ass (¡Lo estás haciendo todo al revés/confundiste, pedazo de animal; to get wrong — entender mal; hacer algo mal)!" you shout (gritas tú).
"No, I haven't (no/¡nada de eso/)," he yells back (responde a gritos; to yell — gritar, gemido); "let go your side (¡suelta de tu lado)!"
"I tell you you've got it all wrong (¡Te digo que lo estás haciendo mal)!" you roar, wishing that you could get at him (ruges, deseando poder alcanzarlo; to roar — rugir, gritar; a gruñir); and you give your ropes a lug that pulls all his pegs out ( y tirando de las cuerdas con tanta fuerza que arranca todas sus clavijas = todas las clavijas de su lado; to lug — arrastrar, tirar; tirón).