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Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 3:00 am
by mira

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 11:48 am
by mira
6:30 - I wake up after my alarm clock callings few times. It’s very hard to wake up in the morning for me. Then I brush my teeth, wash my face and dress myself. Today I wear jeans, a gray T-shirt and my favorite navy blue sweater. 6:30-闹钟响了几次后我才醒来,对我来说早上起床是件很困难的事。然后我开始刷牙,洗脸,穿衣服。今天我穿牛仔裤,灰色T恤衫和我最喜欢的藏青色毛衣。
7:00 – I have my breakfast. Today for breakfast I prepare: yogurt with cornflakes, 2 pieces of black bread with butter, ham and a sweet pepper and a cup of coffee without sugar. 7: 00- 我吃完早餐。今天的早餐我准备了有玉米片的酸,两片有黄油的黑面包,火腿和甜椒和一杯不加糖的咖啡。
7:30 - I wash a plate and a cup after breakfast, pick my laptop and my bag and go to work. 7:30-吃完早餐后我洗了盘子和杯子,带上我的笔记本电脑和我的包去上班了。
8:00 – As usually I arrive at work. 8:00-和往常一样我上班了。
11:00 - I eat second breakfast: banana and oranges. 11:00-我吃第二顿早餐:香蕉和一些橘子
13:00 - I eat my sandwich with butter, harm and cheese. 13:00 -我吃的三明治里有黄油、奶油和奶酪。
16:30 – My working day is finished. 16:30-我这一天的工作结束了(我下班了)。
17:00 - I go to a swimming pool to have a rest. 17:00-我去游泳池去放松一下。
18:00 - I arrive at home and start to prepare my dinner. 18:00-我到家开始准备我的晚餐。
18:30 - I have my dinner: mushroom soup and boiled poultry with boiled rice and salad with a carrot, an onion, a little of mayonnaise and a cup of green tea. 18:30-我吃晚餐:蘑菇汤,水煮鸡腿米饭,胡萝卜洋葱一点蛋黄酱的沙拉和一杯绿茶。
19:00 - I wash all dishes after dinner. Then I read a book and have a rest. 19:00-晚饭后我洗了所有的盘子。然后我读一本书顺便休息一下。
22:00 - I take a shower and go to bed. 22:00-我冲个澡然后去睡觉。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:14 am
by mira
6:30 - I wake up, then I brush my teeth and wash my face, I dress myself. 6:30 - 我醒,然后刷我的牙和洗我的脸,我穿衣服我自己。
7:00 - I have breakfast. For breakfast I prepare: 2 pieces of bread with cotton cheese, ham, a tomato and lettuce and a cup of coffee without sugar. 7:00 - 我吃早餐。作为早餐我准备:2块面包和棉奶酪,火腿,一个西红柿和生菜和一杯咖啡不带糖。
7:30 - I wash a plate and a cup after breakfast, grab my laptop, my bag and go to work. 7:30 - 我洗一个盘子和一个杯子在早餐后,拿我的笔记本电脑,我的包和去工作。
at 8:00 - I arrive at work. During the working day I contact with different clients, do negotiations, prepare different papers... 在 8:00 - 我到达工作。在工作日期间我与不同的客户联系,做谈判,准备不同的文件...
16:30 - I finish my work. 16:30 - 我完成我的工作。
17:00 - I go to a store to buy a meal for tomorrow. 17:00 - 我去一个商店买一顿饭给明天。
18:30 - I have my dinner, I prepare: vegetable soup and pork chops with a boiled potato and a salad with a cabbage, a carrot, an onion, a little of mayonnaise. I drink a cup of green tea. 18:30 - 我吃我的晚餐,我准备:蔬菜汤和猪排配一个煮土豆和沙拉配一个白菜,一个胡萝卜,一个洋葱,一点蛋黄酱。我喝一杯绿茶。
19:00 - I wash all dishes after my dinner. Then I watch TV, read a book and have a rest. 19:00 - 我洗全部碟子在我的晚餐后。然后我看电视,读一本书和休息一下。
22:00 - I take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow is the next working day. 22:00 - 我洗个淋浴和去床。明天是下一个工作日。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:27 am
by mira
6:20 - I wake up at 6:20 because I need much more time to prepare myself. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and dress myself. I wear black dress and colorful jacket today. 6:20 - 我醒在6:20因为我需要更多时间准备自己。我去浴室刷我的牙,洗我的脸和自己穿衣服。我穿黑色裙子和多彩的夹克今天。
6:50 – I prepare my breakfast: boiled porridge with milk. I cut one apple to little pieces, add a spoon of honey and few nuts. I have green tea without sugar. 6:50 – 我准备我的早餐:煮粥配牛奶。我切一个苹果为小块,加一勺蜂蜜和几个坚果。我喝绿茶不带糖。
7:20 - I wash a plate, a pan and a cup after the breakfast. I pick my laptop and my bag and drive to work by car. I fill up my car with gasoline on my way. 7:20 - 我洗一个盘子,一个平底锅和一个杯子在早餐后。我挑我的笔记本电脑和我的包和驾驶去工作乘汽车。我填充我的汽车用汽油在我的路上。
8:00 – I arrive at work. I have a lot things to do and prepare for meeting with my new potential client. 8:00 – 我到达工作。我有很多事情要做和准备与我的新的潜在客户见面。
10:00 – I have meeting with a client from Latvia, we discuss possibility of common cooperation. 10:00 – 我有会议和一个客户来自拉脱维亚,我们讨论可能性的常见合作。
11:00 - I eat the second breakfast: two pieces of bread with butter, cheese and sausages. 11:00 - 我吃第二份早餐:两块面包配牛油,奶酪和香肠。
13:00 – It’s lunch time. I have a potato puree with a fried fish and one cucumber for a lunch. 13:00 – 它是午饭时间。我有一个土豆原浆配一个油炸鱼和一个黄瓜作为一个午饭。
16:00 – My working day is finished and I drive home. I stop by a supermarket for shopping on my way to home. Today I need to buy some bread, yogurts, cheese, ham, dumplings, banana, apples, vegetables, oranges and lemon. 16:00 – 我的工作日是完成的和我驾驶家。我停止被一家超市购物在我的路上到家。今天我需要买一些面包,酸奶,奶酪,火腿,饺子,香蕉,苹果,蔬菜,橘子和柠檬。
17:30 - I arrive at home and start to prepare my dinner. 17:30 - 我到达在家和开始准备我的晚饭。
18:30 – For dinner I boil ready made dumplings with meat which I bought in the supermarket. I have them with natural non sweet yogurt. I drink apple juice. For dessert I bake apples. I slice an apple and put soft cheese with cinnamon, plum jam, raisins and nuts on it. I bake apples during 20 minutes, temperature 200°C. I drink mint tea. It's delicious. 18:30 – 作为晚餐我煮准备做好的饺子和肉哪个我买了在超市。我吃它们和天然的非甜的酸奶。我喝苹果汁。作为甜点我烤苹果。我切片苹果和放软奶酪配肉桂,李子酱,葡萄干和坚果在上它。我烤苹果期间20分钟,温度200°C。我喝薄荷茶。它是美味的。
19:00 – I go to a sport lesson for one and a half hours (1,5). It makes me relaxed a lot. 19:00 – 我去一个运动课程一个和半个小时(1,5)。它使我放松很多。
21:00 – I come back home. I take a shower and go to bed at 22:30. 21:00 – 我来回家。我洗个淋浴和去床在22:30。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:49 am
by mira
6:30 - I wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face, dress myself. Today I wear gray sweater and black jeans. 6:30 - 我醒,刷我的牙,洗我的脸,穿衣服我自己。今天我穿灰色的毛衣和黑色的牛仔裤。
7:00 – I prepare breakfast: green tea without sugar and sandwich with soft cheese, 1 egg and tomato. 7:00 – 我准备早餐:绿茶不带糖和三明治配软奶酪,1个鸡蛋和西红柿。
7:30 - I wash dishes, take bag and drive to work by car. 7:30 - 我洗碟子,拿包和驾驶到工作乘汽车。
8:00 – I arrive at work. We have 4 hours meeting to discuss our nearest trip to Dubai for Dental exhibition. 8:00 – 我到达工作。我们有4小时会议讨论我们的最近的旅行到迪拜为了牙科展。
12:00 - I eat my lunch: salad with tomato, olives, sweet pepper, boiled pasta and mozzarella cheese with olive oil, salt and black pepper, two pieces of bread with salmon; drink black tea with lemon. 12:00 - 我吃我的午餐:沙拉配西红柿,橄榄,甜椒,煮的意大利面和莫泽雷勒奶酪配橄榄油,盐和黑椒,两块面包配三文鱼;喝红茶配柠檬。
16:00 – My working day is finished and I drive home. 16:00 – 我的工作日是完成的和我驾驶家。
17:00 - I arrive home and start to prepare my dinner. 17:00 - 我到达家和开始准备我的晚餐。
18:30 – For dinner I boil a potato, fry poultry and make salad with a carrot, an apple and puree with mayonnaise. I have linden tea with honey and eat 2 pieces of black chocolate. 18:30 – 作为晚餐我煮一个土豆,炒家禽和做沙拉配一个胡萝卜,一个苹果和原浆配蛋黄酱。我喝椴茶配蜂蜜和吃2块的黑色巧克力。
19:00 – I go for ice skating rink with my boyfriend for 1 hour. We like skating. 19:00 – 我去冰溜冰滑冰场和我的男朋友1小时,我们喜欢溜冰。
20:30 – I come back home, take a shower and go to bed around 22.00 20:30 – 我来回家,洗个淋浴和去床大约22.00

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:51 am
by mira

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:55 am
by mira
12th. About six this morning enemy appeared in our front and drove in our pickets ; skirmishing all day, assisted by Cavalry. 12th 天早上大约敌人出现我们的前面,开车我们的纠察队;小规模斗了一整天骑兵协助
At 5.00 PM we were overpowered, cut off from the division, and 127 of our regiment, among whom was your humble servant, were compelled to surrender. 在下午5点我们被制服切断127我们团,其中是你卑微的仆人被迫投降
All the prisoners were dismounted, 所有的囚犯都被下马了
The enemy proved to be the advance of General Lee's army; remained prisoner at Jefferson all night. 敌人被证明是李将军的军队的前进;整夜都被囚禁在杰斐逊。
13th. The rebels took us to Harrington and then back to Jefferson; had nothing to eat these two days and men very hungry. 叛军把我们带到哈灵顿,然后回到杰斐逊;没有吃这两天,男人饿极了。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:57 am
by mira
14th. Marched from Jefferson through Sulphur Springs to Culpepper, distance about twenty miles; got some biscuit and raw bacon, which men ate with great relish. 14号 从杰斐逊穿过硫磺泉到卡尔佩珀,距离大约二十英里;得到了一些饼干和生腊肉,人们吃得非常津津有味。
Took the cars for Gordonsville and remained there all night; the men are tired; the guards strict and will not allow us to purchase anything; 把车Gordonsville,并在那里呆了一整夜;男人都累了;警卫严格,不会允许我们购买任何东西;
prisoners are searched and everything taken from us ; some of the boys hide money in their shoes and stockings to prevent the rebels getting it. 囚犯被搜查,一切从我们采取;一些男孩藏钱在他们的鞋子和袜子,以防止叛乱分子得到它。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:01 am
by mira
15th. Quite cool here and feel the loss of my overcoat and boots. 15号 这里很酷,感觉我的大衣和靴子的损失。
16th. Took the cars this morning for Richmond ; we arrived here at 3. 00 P. M. Men are tired and hungry ; 16号 今天早上把车里士满,我们来到这里3. 00P.M.男人又累又饿
Marched from depot through the principal streets to the Pemberton building, opposite Libby, got one-fourth pound bread and one-fourth pound of beef; this is the second time we got anything to eat since we were captured. 从仓库通过主要街道游行到彭伯顿大厦,libby对面,得到了四分之一磅的面包和四分之一磅的牛肉;这是我们第二次得到任何东西吃,因为我们被抓获。
17th. Rations this morning consisted of about one-half pound of bread and four ounces of beef to each man for the next 24 hours; 17号 今天上午的口粮包括大约一个半磅的面包和四盎司的牛肉给每个男人在接下来的24小时;
men are thinking of home and friends and anxious to be paroled or exchanged. 男人都在想家和朋友,急于被假释或交换
Talk of moving us to Libby, opposite here. 说要把我们搬到对面的Libby
They say it is a great deal worse than here, but I think it can hardly be any worse than this place. 他们说,这是一个很大的比这里更糟糕,但我认为它几乎没有比这个地方更糟糕。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:43 am
by mira
18th. 400 of us were removed this morning to Libby, weak and hungry. 18号 我们中有400人今天早上被转移到Libby,虚弱和饥饿。
The very name of LIBBY has became synonymous of terror. LIBBY这个名字已经成为恐怖的代名词。
It carries tyranny and oppression in its simple sound. 它以简单的声音承载着暴政和压迫。
The soldier who is taken prisoner in Virginia vale is at once haunted with visions of this darksome den and shrinks from entering a place so full of bitter experiences as this is known to be. 谁是在弗吉尼亚谷被俘的士兵是在一次闹鬼与这个阴暗的书房的愿景,并从进入一个地方如此充满痛苦的经历,因为这是众所周知的缩小。
Fierce hate and revenge reign supreme here, 激烈的仇恨和复仇在这里统治至高无上,
and we are not surprised to find the culmination reached in almost fiendish expression. 我们并不惊讶地发现,几乎是恶魔般的表达达到了高潮。
and consequently there is a system of discipline which produces a condition such as we might expect when the discordant elements of beings rage unchecked, 因此,有一个纪律的系统,产生一个条件,如我们可能期望当生命的不和谐的元素愤怒未经检查,
and we are not surprised to find the culmination reached in almost fiendish expression. 我们并不惊讶地发现,几乎是恶魔般的表达达到了高潮。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:46 am
by mira
Thousands who have been in Libby will rehearse the story of their misery, want and woe to others; so that the echo will scarcely die out at the remotest period of the present generation. 成千上万的人已经在利比将排练他们的痛苦,希望和悲伤的故事给别人;这样的回声将几乎不会在这一代人的最偏远的时期消失。
Households in coming time will gather about the fireside and talk of their friends and ancestors who ended their days in so much wretchedness because of their attachment to the Union. 未来的家庭将聚集在炉边,谈论他们的朋友和祖先,因为他们对工会的依恋而以如此悲惨的日子结束了他们的日子。
As their bravery, heroism and constancy are admired, so will it be with condemnation of malice and fury their persecutors 因为他们的勇敢,英雄主义和坚定不移的钦佩,所以将与恶意的谴责和愤怒迫害他们的人
It may be, and probably is, one of the essentials of war. 它可能是,也可能是战争的要领之一。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:23 am
by mira
it was during the day when the sun would shed its kindly beams upon us and so impart sufficient warmth to our bodies to keep us from shivering. 这是在白天,当太阳会在我们身上散发出其亲切的光束,因此给予足够的温暖,我们的身体,让我们不发抖。
The nights are very cold, and there being nothing but gratings in the windows, the men were obliged to walk the whole night long to keep from freezing, and if they can meet with the friendly embrace of slumber at all, 夜晚很冷,窗户上除了光栅什么都没有,他们不得不走了一整夜,以免冻僵,如果他们能与沉睡的友好拥抱相会的话,

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:25 am
by mira
The whole thing is atrocious in the extreme, but we can expect little else. 整个事情在极端是残酷的,但我们可以期待别的东西。
and what seemed worse than all the rest, was the almost satanic rule that if a prisoner was caught resting his eyes upon the glad scenes of nature through a window, he must be quickly translated from the earth by a ball of a musket. 似乎比其他人更糟糕的是,几乎是撒旦的规则,如果一个囚犯被抓住,通过一个窗口休息他的眼睛自然的高兴场面,他必须迅速从地球上翻译一个火枪球
I have seen men draw their bean soup in their shoes for want of a cup or plate of any kind to put it in, 我见过男人画他们的豆汤在他们的鞋子想一杯或任何一种板把它放在,

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:28 am
by mira
in which for months, thousands of the best and bravest men that ever went to battle have been confined and allowed to rot, starve, and be overrun with vermin, perish with cold, breathe stifling, tainted atmosphere, no space allowed us to rest by day, and lying down at night wormed and dove-tailed together like so many fish in a basket. 在这几个月里,成千上万的最优秀和最勇敢的人曾经去战斗已经被限制,并允许腐烂,挨饿,并与害虫溢出,灭亡与寒冷,呼吸令人窒息,污染的气氛,没有空间
This room with five others of similar size and two basements floored with earth and filled with debris, composed the famous Libby prison, 这个房间有五个其他类似的大小和两个地下室地板与地球和充满碎片,组成了着名的利比监狱,
Upon passing inside we enter a room about forty feet wide and one hundred feet deep, with bare brick walls, a rough plank floor and narrow dingy windows. 经过里面,我们进入一个约四十英尺宽,一百英尺深的房间,裸露的砖墙,粗糙的木板地板和狭窄的肮脏的窗户。
The Libby building is three stories high and eighty feet in width and one hundred and ten feet in length. In front the first story is on a level with the street, allowing a space for a tier of dungeons under the sidewalk, but in the rear the land sloped away till the basement floor rose above the ground. 经过里面,我们进入一个约四十英尺宽,一百英尺深的房间,裸露的砖墙,粗糙的木板地板和狭窄的肮脏的窗户。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:30 am
by mira
The name of Libby prison will appear to the mind and memory of all Union soldiers as that place where all manner of cruelties have been practiced, and will not be forgotten as long as one of them treads the earth. Oh! my country! the misery and hardships! I am suffering! 利比监狱的名字将出现在所有联盟士兵的头脑和记忆中,就像那个实行各种残忍的地方一样,只要其中一人踏着地球,就不会被遗忘。 哦! 我的国家 苦难和艰辛! 我很痛苦!

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:32 am
by mira
Some of us had been secretly warned that we were going to be searched and that our money and ail our valuables would be taken from us. 我们中的一些人已经被秘密警告说,我们将被搜查,我们的钱和ail我们的贵重物品将被从我们身上拿走。
We hid our money in our shoe soles, buttons, and in any manner we thought would outwit the rebels. 我们把钱藏在我们的鞋底,纽扣里,以任何我们认为能战胜叛军的方式。
While we were thus engaged, a cruel looking rebel officer came in, followed by three rebel soldiers bearing a table and blank books, 当我们这样订婚的时候,一个看起来很残忍的叛军军官进来了,后面跟着三个带着桌子和空白书的叛军士兵,
The officer called out: "Attention ! prisoners, form in line." Some guards were in front and rear of us and we were ordered not to move or talk. 军官喊道:"注意! 囚犯们排好队"一些警卫在我们的前面和后面,我们被命令不要移动或说话。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:34 am
by mira
The officer then said; "I am Major Turner. Provost-marshall of the City of Richmond, C. S. A. 军官然后说:"我是特纳少校。 里奇蒙市的马歇尔教务长
I am under instructions for my government to have you surrender to me your money and valuables. 我奉命让我的政府让你把钱和贵重物品交给我
Your name, company and regiment will be carefully entered in this book, and when you are exchanged or paroled, it will all be returned to you; for which I pledge the honor of the Confederate Government. 你的名字,连队和团将在这本书中仔细输入,当你被交换或假释,它将全部归还给你;为此,我保证同盟政府的荣誉。
I give you an opportunity to save your money, and when I am through taking that which you surrender, you will be searched by men who are experts and all they find will be confiscated." 我给你一个机会,以节省您的钱,当我通过采取你投降,你会被搜查的人谁是专家,他们发现将被没收。"

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:36 am
by mira
One of our men requested permission to ask a question ; it was granted. 我們中的一個人要求允許提出問題。 它被授予。
The comrade said : "Major Turner, as much as you are acting in the matter of the Confederate Government, will you, as its agent, give us receipts of that government for our money ?" 这位同志说:"特纳少校,就像你在联邦政府的问题上一样,你作为它的代理人,会给我们政府的收据吗?"
No Sir, I am not here to fool my time away ; I am ready to receive your money and valuables." 不,先生,我不是在这里愚弄我的时间,我已经准备好接受你的钱和贵重物品。"
Considerable money was given up. The searching gang came in (and they understood their calling.) The money put in the brass buttons was lost. 大量的钱被放弃了。 搜索团伙进来了(他们理解他们的使命。 放在铜钮扣上的钱丢失了。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:38 am
by mira
They tried the button with the jaw of a knife, and if the button did not mash, it was cut off, because there was something in it. 他们用刀子的下巴尝试了按钮,如果按钮没有捣烂,它就被切断了,因为里面有东西。
They found considerable money, but some was so well secured that it was not found. 他们发现了相当多的钱,但有些是这么好的担保,它没有找到。
It is needless to say that we never had returned to us any of the money. 这是不用说,我们从来没有回到我们的任何钱。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:31 am
by mira
October 19th. Rations today half a pound of bread and four ounces of beef. 10月19日 口粮今天半磅面包和四盎司牛肉。
Our guards changed yesterday. I think we now have a better set of fellows than those we had. 我们的警卫昨天换了 我想我们现在有一组比我们有更好的家伙。
They are more anxious to trade with us. Greenbacks in great demand; seven Confederate dollars for one of Uncle Sam's. 他们更渴望与我们交易。 美元需求量很大;七个邦联美元山姆大叔的一个。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:34 am
by mira
20th. Rations about the same as yesterday. 20号 口粮差不多昨天。
We are thinking of home and friends. 我们正在考虑家庭和朋友。
I have written a letter to my mother in Bristol to let her know of my capture and where I am. 我写了一封信给我在布里斯托尔的母亲,让她知道我的捕获和我在哪里。
I hope she will get it, as I am anxious to hear from home. 我希望她会得到它,因为我急于从家里听到。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:49 am
by mira
21. Rations served out early this morning. 口粮今天一大早送达。
I have forgotten to mention before that there are about six hundred prisoners in this room, divided into squads of twenty. 我之前忘了提一下,这个房间里大约有六百名囚犯,分成二十个小队。
One man draws the rations for the twenty and cuts it up. 一个人为二十人提取口粮并削减它。
Each man has a number from one to twenty. 每个人都有一个数字从一到二十。
The twenty rations are put out separately on the floor, and one turns his back and the sergeant points to a ration and says, "Who takes this ?" 二十口粮分别放在地板上,一个转身,军士指着口粮说:"谁拿这个?"
and the man with his back turned to the ration says- "one," "two," "five" or "ten," as the case may be, on up till the twenty are served. 而该名男子与他的背部转向配给说-"一","二","五"或"十",视情况而定,直到二十送达。
This is done to prevent the sergeant from showing any favor to any particular one. 这样做是为了防止警长对任何特定的人表示任何好感。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:53 am
by mira
22d. Rations the same as yesterday. 口粮和昨天一样。
The men despondent and anxious to get paroled or exchanged soon. 这些人沮丧,急于获得假释或很快交换。
There is a great deal of trading going on here in the evenings. 晚上这里有很多交易。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:55 am
by mira
23d. Rations very small today; a mixture of corn meal and flour and only get about four ounces of that, and about three ounces of raw, half rotten bacon for the next twenty-four hours. 口粮非常小的一天;玉米粉和面粉的混合物,只能得到大约四盎司的那,和大约三盎司的生,半烂培根在接下来的二十四个小时.

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:57 am
by mira
24. Rations about the same as yesterday. 口粮差不多昨天。
Great rumors of a parole this morning. 关于今早假释的谣言
I wish they would hurry, as we are tired of this place and treatment. 我希望他们能快点,因为我们已经厌倦了这个地方和治疗。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:01 am
by mira
25th. Half a loaf of corn bread and about a mouthful of beef. 半块玉米面包和一口牛肉
The rebels say their men only get the same amount. 叛军说他们的人只能得到同样的数量。
I hardly credit that, as they have an opportunity to get more. 我很难相信,因为他们有机会获得更多。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:03 am
by mira
26th. Greenbacks in great demand this morning ; nine Confederate for one greenback, as they are called here, So you see Yankee money is considered the best by far right here in the hotbed of secession, 今天早上需求量很大的美元;九个同盟一美元,因为他们在这里被称为,所以你看到扬基钱被认为是最好的,到目前为止在这里分裂的温床,

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:29 am
by mira
27th. Prisoners busy making bone rings, tooth picks, chains, etc., and selling them to the guards. 囚犯忙于制作骨头戒指,牙签,链条等。 然后卖给警卫
And selling boots, shoes, shirts, blankets, and in fact anything in order to get something to eat. 和卖靴子,鞋子,衬衫,毯子,其实什么,以得到吃的东西。
Men are very hungry; many weak and sick with hunger. 人们非常饥饿;许多虚弱和饥饿生病。
I wonder if our government knows how we are treated. 我不知道我们的政府是否知道我们是如何对待我们的。
I hardly think the rebel prisoners in the North are treated like we unfortunate beings. 我不认为北方的反叛囚犯被视为我们不幸的人。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:31 am
by mira
Better for us if they would take us out in an open space and place us before a battery of cannon and blew us to pieces, than have us dying this way by inches. 如果他们把我们带到一个空旷的地方,把我们放在炮台前,把我们炸成碎片,对我们来说更好,而不是让我们以这种方式死亡。
Some one will have a tremendous account to settle at the last day. 有些人将在最后一天有一个巨大的帐户要解决。
To fall in battle is bad enough, but to be doomed to a hell of torture and misery is worse than a thousand deaths. 在战斗中倒下已经够糟糕了,但注定要遭受酷刑和痛苦的地狱比一千人死亡更糟糕。 在战斗中倒下已经够糟糕了,但注定要遭受酷刑和痛苦的地狱比一千人死亡更糟糕。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:43 am
by mira
30th. Rations the same as yesterday. 口粮和昨天一样。
The guards are more careful in trading, and it is dangerous to snatch any more from them. 守卫在交易中更加小心,从他们那里抢夺更多的东西是危险的。
They swear they will shoot. 他们发誓会开枪的
Ten of our men were taken out to the hospital from here this morning. 今天早上我们有十个人被送往医院
That is the last of them, poor fellows. 这是最后一个了,可怜的家伙。
There were two of my regiment among them. 我的团里有两个人
We will never see them any more, as they are more dead than alive. 我们再也见不到他们了,因为他们比活着还要死。

Re: Rìjì

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:47 am
by mira
31st. Rations about half a pound of bread and about four ounces of beef today. 口粮约半磅的面包和大约四盎司的牛肉今天。
These are the best rations we have received for over a week. 这是我们一周来收到的最好的口粮
Men are very anxious to be exchanged so that we can get into our lines once more. 男人们非常渴望被交换,以便我们可以再次进入我们的队伍。