Student Yuko's corner

Students can post their diaries and notes here.
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Student Yuko's corner

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Have a good day!
I want you to post a short essay about yourself and your aims here. It will help us to pick up an individual plan for you.

I'd like to see answers to the next questions in your essay. You can answer whatever you want (it's just an example of an essay, you may not follow it strictly).
1.How long have you been learning English?
2.What kind of skills do you have now? Are you able to express all your thoughts in plain English (in text messages and verbally)? If you cannot then write approximately in percentages how much, you think, you can express.
3.What books (children literature, short stories, poems, novels, fiction, (also it can be some specific like programming, science, engineering books...) etc.) you can read without looking up words in a dictionary? Give us examples (if you have it) of books you have read recently.
Browse our website and tell us what was easy (you can read it without translation) and what was difficult for you to read.
Examples (A-D from easy to difficult)
A English diary (read 5-10 posts from there)
B Writing prompts
C Heart health
D Encyclopedia of molecular biology
E Three men in a boat (read 2-3 excerpts from there)
4.How often do you have to use Google translate, English dictionaries to write or to say something? Do you need more time to make a good sentence or you do it rapidly?
5.Tell us of your listening skills. What do you do to improve them? Can you understand some dictations or audio books? (which audio books were easy for you).
6. Listen to the next podcasts
Trees in the forest
A picnic
Let me know what is easy-difficult for you.
Listen to "Learning English Broadcasts", "As It Is" on our website and tell us if you understand what is broadcasted there (how much in percentages you can understand).
Broadcasts (scroll down when you are on the webpage)
7.What do you do to improve your speaking skills? Do you have a language partner or someone you can talk to? Have you ever done speaking monologues or recorded your voice?
8. What are your strengths and weaknesses in English?
You can talk about:
What do you want us to train you more?
What do you expect to get from English courses?
9.How do you see your ideal English (being able to read everything, to watch English TV, to speak with native English speakers etc.)?
10.What kind of skills do you use or you are going to use in your work and daily life (reading articles, listening to some audio or video content, speaking with colleagues, friends in English etc.)?
12.Do you want us to make your own diary private (visible only for you and teachers)?
13.Do you want to get emails with a mention "Study English" everyday?
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