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George said it was so pleasant to wake up in the boat in the fresh morning, and plunge into the limpid river. Harris said there was nothing like a swim before breakfast to give you an appetite. He said it always gave him an appetite. George said that if it was going to make Harris eat more than Harris ordinarily ate, then he should protest against Harris having a bath at all.
He said there would be quite enough hard work in towing sufficient food for Harris up against stream, as it was.
I urged upon George, however, how much pleasanter it would be to have Harris clean and fresh about the boat, even if we did have to take a few more hundredweight of provisions; and he got to see it in my light, and withdrew his opposition to Harris's bath.
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Re: Day68

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George said it was so pleasant to wake up in the boat in the fresh morning (Джордж сказал, так приятно проснуться в лодке свежим утром), and plunge into the limpid river (и погрузиться в прозрачную реку). Harris said there was nothing like a swim before breakfast to give you an appetite (Гаррис сказал, нет ничего лучше купания перед завтраком, чтобы возбудить аппетит). He said it always gave him an appetite (он сказал, это всегда вызывает у него аппетит). George said that if it was going to make Harris eat more than Harris ordinarily ate (Джордж сказал, что если это заставит Гарриса есть больше, чем он обычно ест), then he should protest against Harris having a bath at all (тогда он будет возражать против того, чтобы Гаррис вообще купался).
He said there would be quite enough hard work in towing sufficient food for Harris up against stream, as it was (он сказал, и так будет довольно тяжелой работой везти достаточно еды для Гарриса против течения; to tow — тянуть /баржу/ на бечеве; буксировать; as it is — и так, и без того).
I urged upon George, however, how much pleasanter it would be to have Harris clean and fresh about the boat (я доказывал Джорджу, тем не менее, насколько приятнее будет, если Гаррис будет /находиться/ чистым и свежим в лодке), even if we did have to take a few more hundredweight of provisions (даже если нам придется взять на несколько центнеров больше провизии; hundredweight — английский центнер /112 фунтов = 50,8 кг/); and he got to see it in my light, and withdrew his opposition to Harris's bath (и он посмотрел на это с моей точки зрения, и взял назад свое возражение против купания Гарриса; to get to — приниматься за; добраться до; to withdraw; light — свет, освещение; аспект; интерпретация; восприятие).
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Re: Day68

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