Lesson 1
Lesson 1
To run and compile programs you should use IDE.
Install Python
Download the next archives
https://easy-english-study.com/esp32sim ... 0Setup.zip
Unpack these archives.
Open esp32simulator-1.0.0Setup.exe and install the program.
Your Windows OS may warn you that this file is dangerous, ignore warning and click More … => Install anyway option!
Create a folder to save ESP32 projects (it can be Local disk C\esp32projects).
Download and install the program Lightshot to make screenshots
Re: Lesson 1
Create the file "blinky.py" inside the folder "raspberryemulator" and copy-paste the next code (you may click the button Select Al and press Ctrl+С (to copy the code from the forum) and Ctrl+V (to paste the code))
Save this file as "blinky.py".
In File Explorer, click the address bar to select it (or press Alt+D). Type "cmd.exe" into the address bar and hit Enter to open the Command Prompt with the path of the current folder already set. Run the next command in cmd
You should see GPIO4 blinking.
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) tells RPi.GPIO that we want to use the names of the pins rather than their position.
The “cleanup” function sets all the GPIO pins back to a harmless input state, reducing the chance of damaging the Pi if one of the pins set to be an output should accidentally short to a power pin or other output
Code: Select all
from EmulatorGUI import GPIO
#import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import traceback
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #configures Raspberry Pi to use BCM (Broadcom) pin names
led_pin = 4 #creates a new variable led_pin:=4
GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT) #makes GPIO4 an output
GPIO.output(led_pin,True) #LED on
time.sleep(2) #delay 2 seconds
GPIO.output(led_pin, False) #LED off
print("Cleaning up")
GPIO.cleanup() #this ensures a clean exit
In File Explorer, click the address bar to select it (or press Alt+D). Type "cmd.exe" into the address bar and hit Enter to open the Command Prompt with the path of the current folder already set. Run the next command in cmd
Code: Select all
python blinky.py
The “cleanup” function sets all the GPIO pins back to a harmless input state, reducing the chance of damaging the Pi if one of the pins set to be an output should accidentally short to a power pin or other output
Re: Lesson 1
Open esp32simulator.
Create the folder "blinky" in the directory "esp32projects". Create "main.py", "diagram.json" inside the folder "blinky".
Connect all components with wires in the same way, as in the picture. You can rotate a component by pressing Ctrl+R. The resistor must be connect to D15. Pay attention to LED, since it emits light only if it's connected correctly. The current must go from an anode to a cathode (LED will not emit light if you connect it in the opposite direction). Paste the next code to main.py (you may click the button Select Al and press Ctrl+С (to copy the code from the forum) and Ctrl+V (to paste the code)).
Click the green button to run the project.
You should see a blinking LED.
Save your project to the local folder "blinky". Copy-paste the code from the files "main.py", "diagram.json" in the simulator to your local files. Make a screenshot of the circuit and save the screenshot to the folder "blinky".
Whenever you want to continue programming you can copy-paste the code from the local files to your simulator (Note. The circuit is stored in the file "diagram.json", you don't need to make a new circuit all the time).
Create the folder "blinky" in the directory "esp32projects". Create "main.py", "diagram.json" inside the folder "blinky".
Connect all components with wires in the same way, as in the picture. You can rotate a component by pressing Ctrl+R. The resistor must be connect to D15. Pay attention to LED, since it emits light only if it's connected correctly. The current must go from an anode to a cathode (LED will not emit light if you connect it in the opposite direction). Paste the next code to main.py (you may click the button Select Al and press Ctrl+С (to copy the code from the forum) and Ctrl+V (to paste the code)).
Code: Select all
from machine import Pin
from utime import sleep
led = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) #makes Pin 15 an output
while True:
led.on() #turns on LED
sleep(2) #time delay 2 seconds
led.off() #turns off LED
You should see a blinking LED.
Save your project to the local folder "blinky". Copy-paste the code from the files "main.py", "diagram.json" in the simulator to your local files. Make a screenshot of the circuit and save the screenshot to the folder "blinky".
Whenever you want to continue programming you can copy-paste the code from the local files to your simulator (Note. The circuit is stored in the file "diagram.json", you don't need to make a new circuit all the time).