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Post by admin »

In this thread I'll post stories made of Well-known Words.
Some pictures of words have been posted in the thread "Pictures of some words".
learning-english-together-f26/pictures- ... -t816.html
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Re: Stories

Post by admin »

In some location, an epidemic led* to a lockdown. People risked to lose their financial stability. Doctors worked to analyze the virus and develop* a medicine. They computed genetic patterns, scanned samples* 🧪, and tested a new vaccine. The government* organized mass vaccinations. X-rays were used to register the progress, and doctors made notes. People used phones to message loved ones and relax while waiting* for the vaccine's effects to evolve.
With time, the virus's grip* weakened*. People continued to resist its spread*, adapting to the changing* circumstances*. They orientated their lives* around hygiene practices and followed* the prescribed* recipe* for protection.
Step by step, they moved* towards* a future* where the virus would be a memory.
some location - not specific location
led - past for "to lead" (it's what a leader does, to lead people from the start to the finish)
to lose - not win (examples: loser); to lose financial stability=no money
to develop - to make something new (examples: developer, webdeveloper)
a sample - an exemplar; a virus in a volume (usually doctors view a sample with a microscope)
a government - people who manage a country, a firm, a corporation
waiting - pausing (to wait - to pause)
a grip - to have something in your hand (in your fingers); when you block someone with your hands and he cannot move (the virus's grip* weakened=the virus had less power)
weakened - had less power
to spread - to infect more people
changing - not constant
circumstances - new conditions, life styles
lives - the plural of life (examples: health lifestyle)
to follow - when you do something as in the instruction written by someone
the prescribed recipe - the recipe written by a doctor when you are not healthy
to move - synonym - motion (examples: slow motion)
to move towards - to move in some direction (in front of you, forward)
future - what be after 1 month, 1 year etc. (examples: futurism)
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Re: Stories

Post by admin »

A doctor made a recipe to generate a capsule containing* a bacteria that could resist a virus. The doctor tested the capsule on a patient and noted that the patient’s condition improved. The doctor then scanned the patient using an X-ray. The doctor was happy about the potential of the capsule and vaccinated people against the virus. People began to message the doctor to thank him for his help. The doctor continued his work and started a new era of medicine.
containing - to have something, something in a volume, a container
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Re: Stories

Post by admin »

There was a gentleman named John who loved to eat fast food. He was a regular at the local McDonald’s and always ordered* 📋 a sandwich 🥪 with avocado and mayonnaise. One day, he decided* to try* something new and ordered 📋 a hotdog with ketchup and tomato. To his surprise*, he loved it! After finishing his meal* 🌮, he went to the nearby market to buy some popcorn and Red Bull. He then entered a restaurant and ordered a pasta with macaroni and vegetables. The dish* 🍜 was so nice that he decided to register for a cooking 👨‍🍳 class to learn how to make it. During* ⌛ the meeting, he learned that the dish was vegan and had only 300 calories. He was amazed* by how healthy and tasty 😋 it was. He decided to note the recipe down ✍️ and celebrate by buying a rose 🌹 and a tulip 🌷 for his wife. He put flowers in a vase. His wife* was thanked him with a glass 🥃 of whisky. They enjoyed 🤗 the evening 🌆 with salad and some vegetables. John was happy that he could cook something healthy and tasty* 😋 for his wife. He also realized* that being a vegetarian doesn’t mean he has to miss out on delicious 😋 food*. He decided to explore* more vegetarian and vegan options in the future.
to order - when you ask someone in a restaurant for food
to decide - to choose (to select) something
to try - to test something
To his surprise = it was a surprise for a gentleman
meal - food you eat in breakfast or lunch or dinner
dish - food
to cook - to make food
During - time interval
He was amazed = It was very nice
wife - a woman with who a man lives
tasty - very nice
to realize - to find, to know
miss out on delicious food = don't have a tasty food
to explore - to find something new
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