Introduce yourself

Students have to introduce themselves to get access to lessons with English teachers. Tell us of your aims, your English level and what you expect to gain from lessons. What kind of skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) you want us to train you more?
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Introduce yourself

Post by admin »

Students have to introduce themselves to get access to lessons with English teachers. Tell us of your aims, your English level and what you expect to gain from lessons. What kind of skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) you want us to train you more?
Post your personal essay in the text format and record your voice (attach an audio file (.mp3, .mpg, .ogg, .ogm) to your post (you can send an audio file via a private message if you are shy)).
All posts must be unique, not copied from Internet articles or books. You may add the links from your Grammar, Listening, Speaking posts to your essay.
Here are the links how to compose an introduction. ... n-english/ ... you-do/229

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by benjaminf754 »

I can remember the first-ever introduction I had to put up in front of my class at the new school I had transferred to and it was a complete disaster.
After all these years, the latest introduction was clearly different from the one I had in school. This was all due to the effort I had put in to cover up the gap I had.
The most important thing is confidence to speak in public and it can only be gained by overcoming your fear. This can be done by talking to yourself in the mirror, the next stage is to talk to some familiar faces and with enough practice, one can become very much an expert in talking to an audience.
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